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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Long ago and far away comedian Rodney Dangerfield would say "I don't get no respect" as if being respected were desirable. Today?

Long ago and far away comedian Rodney Dangerfield would say "I don't get no respect" as if being respected were desirable. Today?

There is no use for that word. It is extinct. Being respected? Seriously? Hahahahahahahahahaha! Where's the money in that? Doing what is respectable gets you nothing but attacks and insults.

Respectables are weak sisters. Respectables are honorable honest just fair and good. You cannot trust them to do what is what pols always do....get whatever they can steal by lying and cheating and sabotaging and undermining 24/7. Some are super good at it and have become billionaires on the job. RESPECTABLE? No way.

Today those qualities have been almost entirely destroyed. Dishonorble dishonest unjust unfair and no good rocks and rolls and rules.Add despicable disgusting disreputable degenerate and ya got the whole package! It is what it is. Everyone says so. What could it hurt? Whatcha got ta lose?

Posted - November 10, 2020
