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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What we desperately need is a SECRETARY OF DOMESTIC TERRORISM! All the hate groups we have are propating WAY FAST. Millions so far?

What we desperately need is a SECRETARY OF DOMESTIC TERRORISM! All the hate groups we have are propating WAY FAST. Millions so far?

Ya got the militia, the proud boys, the qanons the KKK the skinheads the white supremacist fascist racists. Ya got ya got ya got ya got ya got etecetera.

They have sex and babies and train them to hate and the babies grow up and have sex and babies and play ir forward. Millions and millions of them. The person who lost the election adores them as they all are part of his beloved base. But his time is nearing an end and he will go away and NO ONE ELSE wants any part of them.

Be prepared. SECRETARY OF DOMESTIC TERRORISM needs to put out a watch list of terrorists by group by name each day. with specific names and addresses of these folks so turnabout is fair play and we can bomb them and come for them and target them and murder them and blow them up.

Reciprocity rocks. Turnabout is fair. Two-way streets is neat. Receiving your just desserts. What's wrong with that? Getting back what you put out there. The American way of life.

Waiting to see how it all plays out.

Posted - November 10, 2020
