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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You do know that 70 million voted for the person who lost the election. Didja also know the following?

You do know that 70 million voted for the person who lost the election. Didja also know the following?

They are prattling gabblers, lickorous gluttons, freckled bittor knaves, drowsy loiterers slapsauce fellows slabberdegullion druggles lubberly louts, cozening foxes, drunken roysters, sly kanves, sycophant varlets drawlatch hoddens flouting milksops . To mention just the tip of the iceberg.


In WORLD WIDE WORDS a long ago pal on Answerbag sent me a list of real words that really were used back in the day.

I LOVE THEM. There are many more. They had character and depth and emotion.

I have no idea what any of them mean but so what? I like the sounds.

Posted - November 11, 2020
