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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You made your bed now lie in it. You mght die in it! Worse to come. Ho hum. The gift that keeps on giving from guess hoo?

You made your bed now lie in it. You mght die in it! Worse to come. Ho hum. The gift that keeps on giving from guess hoo?

The person who lost the election. The one 70 MILLION of you wanted to give 4 more years to. Good for you.

Keep it up.  Why not?

Posted - November 11, 2020


  • 10562
    They are blind to his actions.  Some see party, some see money, some see a better life.  I can kind of understand that.  Holding true to one's political party is "ok" (maybe they feel patriotic about it).  Wanting more money is ok (we all do).  Wanting a better life is definitely ok (who doesn't?).  Yet, what none of them can see (or will admit to seeing) is a spoiled little brat that only wants his way.  They refuse to see (or admit to)  that he only wants what's best for himself, not the country (if it accidentally helps others, oops... but he'll crow about it).

    I won't deny that it's possible that he did something good while "in charge".  I will also admit that he might have had a couple of good ideas (going in).  However, the way he went about implementing his "ideas", the way he subverted laws; the way he lied at every turn, the way he isolated the country from the world (almost saying that they were bad and the US was immaculate), the way he cozied up to our enemies, the way he handled the virus (make that "didn't handle"), his complete lack of empathy for even a single other person besides himself ..... these actions are completely and utterly inexcusable.

    he's simply a bad person.  
      November 11, 2020 11:53 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think the person who lost the election simply ad libbed his way through to where he is today. He couldn't know how he would be reacted to once in office. But as he began to realize he could have complete and total power to do whatever he wanted to do IF HE HAD THE RIGHT PEOPLE he began hiring and trying out and firing and hiring and trying out and firing. He forged ahead and then struck pure gold. Blilybarfbarr. The person who lost found he could strongarm threaten intimidate demand insist and people just rolled over for him. Nothing emboldens like success. With each FAUX PAS that would have taken anyone else out he became what he is today. He is insane. We know that. The blame for his success goes to those around him whose job it is to check and balance. They have not. They have serviced him in all things.They have groveled and humiliated themselves and withstood attacks on them and their families and they stayed and kissed a**. So here we are. Where is our next "here"? I don't know. I HOPE those who have not done their jobs will do them finally. There seems some hope that the supremes actually are thinking human beings and cannot be bought or controlled or commanded. We shall see. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I might actually like Justice Kavanaugh. Time will tell. :)
      November 12, 2020 1:29 AM MST

  • 10562
      November 12, 2020 9:41 AM MST

  • 113301
      November 13, 2020 6:07 AM MST