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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is "humoring" someone the same as lying to him/her? To facilitate or enable illusions delusions just to "keep someone happy" do YOU humor?

Is "humoring" someone the same as lying to him/her? To facilitate or enable illusions delusions just to "keep someone happy" do YOU humor?

Kind or patronizing? The humorer?

The person who lost the election allegedly is being "humored" to pacify him. Or else be the target of rage and retaliation and revenge.

A game people play as they wink wink and roll their eyes. And nod and tilt their heads sidewise.

T'is said that within a week or so the humoring will end and reality will set in and the person who lost the election allegedly will accept it but will never admit he lost. Nice work if you can get it. Nice trick if you can bring it off...swing it. He didn't lose but he accepts that Joe Biden won. Hmmm. OK. Whatever works.

Posted - November 12, 2020
