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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per alito, a sub supreme. He says that same sex marriage and COVID 19 threaten religious freedom. How now brown cow? HOW?

Per alito, a sub supreme. He says that same sex marriage and COVID 19 threaten religious freedom. How now brown cow? HOW?

If two men or two women get married what does that have to do with me, with my life, with my beliefs? NOTHING that's what.

Also I assume he refers to not wanting sardines packed together in the brine of church to further the speed of getting ill and or dying. Don't you think GOD wants people to STAY ALIVE?

That guy is illogical. A supreme who doesn't use his brains in a logical manner? Isn't that wunnerful? Just what we need. Good golly. Good grief. My goodness. What else does this brilliant jurist think? Dare we ask?

Posted - November 15, 2020


  • 10562
    (eye roll)

    What threatens "religious freedom" are these people who claim to be religious but are not.
      November 15, 2020 1:10 PM MST

  • 113301
    TRUE! A truer word was never uttered in my opinion. I don't get it. Honestly I don't. People love whom they love. What business is it of mine? How can that possibly negatively affect MY LIFE? It doesn't. So those who keep invading the lives of others wanting to legislate what they can and cannot do is supremely and atrociously evil. Now if I am adversely affected by anything or anyone it gets my attention. Who exactly is getting hurt here? Who gave "them" the authority or right to judge others' lifestyles? Is their lifestyle holy? Or are they the ones who cheat on their taxes, have affairs while married, break every law they can get away with and still think they are the righteous? How stupid is that? AARRGGHH. I know my friend. Once again I'm preaching to the choir.  Oh also..."those who live in glass houses should not cast stones". That makes a lot of sense to me. Maybe a PERFECT person can judge others but I have never met one. Thank you for your succinct reply. Apologies for my lengthy one. But you know when I'm on a tangent it's kinda hard to stop! :)
      November 16, 2020 2:34 AM MST