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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once upon a time preachers preached the WORD OF GOD. Love compassion. Now many preach the WORD OF SATAN. Which is?

Once upon a time preachers preached the WORD OF GOD. Love compassion. Now many preach the WORD OF SATAN. Which is?

HATE for "the other" and perdition annihilation division abomination incantation devastation politicalization.

What happened?

When did GOD become a political tool pulled out and used when convenient? A photo op holding a bible upside down in front of a church symbolizing what? Clearing of a square filled with peace demonstrators using teargas so that the photo op king could have his fling to impress the so-called alleged religious believers" who supported him.

They fell for it hook line and sinker and pointed to it as proof that the photo op lusterer was sent to them BY GOD to insure their salvation. An abomination that anyone anywhere could think that GOD had sunk so low as that!

Whatever happened to seeking our "higher angels"? Anyone?

Posted - November 17, 2020


  • 10572
    What fun is there in preaching the Word of God?  Everyone looks down on you for telling them what they perceive as bad news.  People want to live their lives however they please and still go to heaven in the end.  They don't want no "preacher" telling them otherwise.
    The result?  People openly mocking God.  Politicians using God as if He were some tool.

    By holding up a bible they appear to be religious (they just never bother to open).
    They think that by praying in public and screaming God's name, that they're being righteous.
    They follow a brazen liar, claiming that he's "sent by God".  A savior who will make their lives great again.

    Satan is the father of lies.  All those who lie are of him, not God.
    What makes one "religious" is found inside the bible.  One must open it, read it, and obey it to be truly "religious".
    Saying God's name and acting pious in public is pharisaical.  God despises that and those act this way are are only fooling themselves to think He does.

    One cannot fool God.
      November 17, 2020 4:28 PM MST

  • 113301
    Of course not. But I think none of the 2020 prez election loser's supporters believe in GOD. They can't. Some of them may dupe themselves into thinking they do but they don't. It's just a big scam sham of collusion between the churchfolks muckity mucks and their so-called congregation. An abomination. Anytime anyone promulgates HATE as the pro duck folks do they are not at all remotely interested in some supreme being. I know that and you know that. It is a complex ruse and they think they've pulled it off but they haven't. I don't care of they have the Bible memorized and they go to church every day and they wear crucifixes. They are heathen pretender fakers. If they had any belief in any "HEREAFTER" they could not possibly go to ego hate virus rallies, belong to racist groups, mock/ridicule the anti-ducks and threaten them and sometimes strike out at them. As a group they are uniformly ignorant and so proud of it. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I just thought of a question about this subject sort of. The EVANGELICALS' devoted support of the 2020 prez election loser has grievously tarnished them. Are they even aware of it? They have given that sect a very bad name and I wonder if it can ever become anything but the terrible laughingstock it is now?
      November 18, 2020 1:34 AM MST