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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Our Riverside, California Press Enterprise headlines: BRAKES HIT ON STATE REOPENING. Newsome says virus surge puts California on track for?

Our Riverside, California Press Enterprise headlines: BRAKES HIT ON STATE REOPENING. Newsome says virus surge puts California on track for?


All thanks due the 2020 prez election LOSER and his delays and indifference and mocking and ridiculing and doing nothing but ignore it for the last five months.

What are your headlines today? Whom do you thank for them?

Posted - November 17, 2020


  • 10572
    This county just shot from orange to purple!  People continue to refuse to listen.  Halloween parties, indoor gatherings, no mask in public ... they don't care about anything but their own a$s.  Eat, drink and be merry - and don't you dare tell them they can't!  Problem is, it's not these fools who are being harmed, rather its the ones who are trying to think of others.  They are the ones winding up in in the morgue.  
      November 17, 2020 3:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thanksgiving is the next "rave". The next happening. Many are heading for family gatherings all over the country. Statistics be dam*ed they are gonna keep to their traditions come he** or highwater. So I just wonder how much biglier the surgey spikes will be after that day? They are already horrendous. But you know what Shuhak. This separates "the men from the boys". This defines what they are as nothing ever could. The selfish self-centered cold cruel indifferent spoiled brats. Retarded development. They never matured beyond "I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT". I wouldn't care if they only killed themselves. But sadly they are killing us too. What do we do? Stay inside as much as possible. Go out ONLY FOR ABSOLUTE NECESSITIES. In other words do what we have been doing since March. Wear masks, social distance, wash hands and stay isolated as much as possible. Never go anywhere with tons of people jammed butt to butt. The non-maskers adore that and do that and are all superspreaders. Since there are millions of the selfish I honestly see no end to this. So this the way the world ends for us. However long we have left it will be lived like this. Until the last one of them is gone. That's a long time. There are so many of them.But as long as we have electriicty we have TV and Computer and can spends hours being educated and entertained within our homes where we are SAFE. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. What next?
      November 18, 2020 2:03 AM MST