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Flint Ironstag
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some might like such a world and some might not. WHAT IF our world were a place where instant "an eye for eye" justice were meted out?

Some might like such a world and some might not. WHAT IF our world were a place where instant "an eye for eye" justice were meted out?

That is to say when an innocent unarmed young black man is knee-necked to death the knee necker murderer dies the exact same way right on the spot.

Or a pedophile torturer rapist murderer gets all of that done to him before his demise?

No need for lawyers or courts or judges. The UNIVERSE would take care of it. A JUST UNIVERSE. DETACHED AUTOMATIC NON-PARTISAN

The law abiders and doers of good what have nothing to fear.

Their opposites would either change their ways or die out or live out their lives locked up away from everyone.

Could you handle such a world?

Liars would not prosper. Neither would betrayers or cheaters or saboteurs or traitors. Denying would not work. Coverups would not work. And if many corroborated the lies told they would suffer the exact same consequences as if they were the doers. Supporting evil would have its immediate consequences. There would be no cozying up and a*kissing to get ahead.

I know it would be a great adjustment for those who never do an honorable things in their lives.

I wonder if that would change the DNA over time such that people would be WIRED FROM BIRTH to do good be honest be helpful be kind. Does DNA ever work from outside in or only ever inside out?

Posted - November 17, 2020
