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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly most if not all evangelicals are pro the 2020 prez election loser and believe he was sent to them by GOD. Do you too?

Allegedly most if not all evangelicals are pro the 2020 prez election loser and believe he was sent to them by GOD. Do you too?

I don't know how others perceive them but to me they are an evil laughingstock. Not remotely "religious". 100% political and support a vile cruel spawn of Satan. .

Any "religious" group that supports hate and racism and destructoin is not of GOD. It is a blasphemy that cannot be forgiven.

Perhaps once upon a time long ago they were true believers. Something corrupted them and changed them. y. The devil works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. Allegedly evangelicals are the largest single block of supporters for the 2020 prez election loser. It is not a distinction of which to be most proud. It is shameful..

Posted - November 18, 2020
