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Flint Ironstag
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The 2016 US election is infamous now.. The only election where the "winner" only presidented those who voted for him! WHAT?

The 2016 US election is infamous now.. The only election where the "winner" only presidented those who voted for him! WHAT?

Yep. The half-a**ed "president" demonized those who didn't. Lied about them and viciously attacked them 24/7 at all the ego hate rallies and in all the speeches he made. A laughingstock that terrorized and terrified and powerized his way to extreme right wing racist promulgations propagations incantations.

He brought out of the slime the very worst homo saps and publicized them sanctified them gave  his two stubby fat thumbs up. Their hero. Their soulmate.

The half-a**ed did a great job for the half he represented. They adore him. For the rest of us AND THE WORLD he sucked bigly.

It is what it is. The past cannot be pretzelized or mitigated or realighed or smoothed out. It is set in stone. It can be lied about of course and will be and is. The hallmark of the half-a**ed president and his lemmings. LIES.

I wonder what we did to have deserved him? Any clue?

Posted - November 18, 2020
