The slogan was meant to deliberately communicate freedom. When you come to Vegas, you can do anything and be anything you want to be. You can spend the money you work so hard to save; you can have the extra drink you’d normally decline after dinner. You can talk to the attractive stranger at the bar and dance on top of the bar because, no matter the end result, no one at home has to know.
So they're very naughty and do the dirty and go back home and never say a word? Pretty disgusting to me if ya wanna know the truth. Pretty disgusting. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I wonder how many do the dirty and go back home real innocent like? Louses. :(
The bad just layers over the prior bad and they just go on thinking what exactly? That they "got away with it"? No one ever gets away with it. Eventually ultimately they will pay for it. I wonder why so few realize that? Any idea? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. People are weirdly wired aren't they? Not all but many and maybe most.
This post was edited by RosieG at November 19, 2020 2:32 PM MST