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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Pennsylvania judge threw out the duck lawsuit allegeing corruption in voting and EXCORIATED him. OVER AND DONE. BIDEN WON! REALLY?

The Pennsylvania judge threw out the duck lawsuit allegeing corruption in voting and EXCORIATED him. OVER AND DONE. BIDEN WON! REALLY?

So now we see that the duck refuses to admit he LOST the election and he will go out and about lying about how the presidency was stolen from him even though MANY REPUBLICANS involved in the election progress for the 50 states say all of it was FAIR NO FRAUD.

He doesn't care about truth. He never did. And the 40% will believe him because he is their light their hope and their way.

You think the duck is gone? Think again. He has $400 million in debt so he will be writing books and appearing on shows and taking up as much space as he can as he noises his way through the next 4 years. He will as much if not more of a pain in a** as ever only HE HAS NO POWER. Well he owns mitch mcconnell he will tie him up in knots with demands and he will do the same to every repoblicans who knows what's good for him. He can't not be an a** so he will expand and grow and overwhelm and yap and kvetch and lie and attack and insult and accuse. See? Nothing will have changed.

Posted - November 22, 2020


  • 33889
    It is not done.   The big case is coming this week. Get ready.  

    As Powell said: Release the Kraken!
      November 22, 2020 9:53 AM MST

  • 10572
    Seriously?  You can't see that he's just pouting like a spoiled child??  If he really thought he'd won, he'd be out there running the country instead of cowering and playing golf.   Even he KNOWS he lost.  

    Regardless of who won or didn't win... can you truthfully say that his current actions (and inactions) are befitting of someone in his position?

    It is my opinion - as an American, not as a member of some political party - that he needs to put on his big boy pants, strap on a pair, and start acting act like a real president!  
      November 22, 2020 12:16 PM MST

  • 113301
      November 23, 2020 5:15 AM MST

  • 33889
    He is standing up for the integrity of our election.  Showing the flaws in our system.  Regardless of the outcome we need these insecurities exposed and fixed. 
      November 23, 2020 7:06 AM MST

  • 10572
    Fair enough.  However, how is playing golf and ignoring the country accomplishing that?  How is denying access to necessary things that the "possible" winner will need accomplishing that?  I mean, it'd be no skin off his nose to "play along" - especially if he believes he will serve for another 4 years.
      November 23, 2020 10:28 AM MST

  • 33889
    All Presidents play golf. 

    He is not President Elect until the EC votes.  

      November 23, 2020 11:07 AM MST