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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dumb cluck doesn't know that all his frantic obsessive shenanigans is HELPING JOE BIDEN! SAY WHAT?

The dumb cluck doesn't know that all his frantic obsessive shenanigans is HELPING JOE BIDEN! SAY WHAT?

Every day in every way everything the duck says/does makes JOE BIDEN look so much better.

But the duck ego can never accept that fact.

He could have gone away with grace and elegance. He could have been a president we regretted losing. But he did all of us such a huge favor by being the best jacka** any lameduck president could be. We won't miss him. We are eagerly awaiting his last day and his booting out.

I think he will flee to another country before inauguration day. A country that does not extradite criminals to anywhere. He will live out his fat old man years there. He is too cowardly to face the music. Much too cowardly.

If he had brains at all he would not have generated this huge fall. By his own hand and by his own demand he is ridiculing mocking everything for which he stands. Which is what exactly? Anyone know what he stands for besides himself his own gain his own comfort his own getting richer on the back of those who work?
 I thought so. You don't know because there is nothing you can say that fits.

Oh his apologists and defenders and adoring worshippers will give long lists of all the great accomplishments. Which is bullsh** compared to his mishandling of the virus, lying to the people 24/7 and sleeping with the enemy while he cheated blatantly on our allies. A pitiful wretch. As are his adoring worshippers. Be gone! Go away. Scram! Yesterday's news.

Posted - November 23, 2020
