Are you OK? Hadn't seen you around for awhile and I was kinda worried. With respect to your question I can only go by me Durdle. I cannot imagine (there I go with that word) a more dreary gray life that one absent dreaming and imagining. Can you? Whom would you be without your dreams?. Some of them you can definitely achieve but some are never going to be within reach. For example I imagine a world absent hate. That is an impossible dream. Since I am stuck with the brain I have I can only go from that. Imagine living in a place with no windows. Only walls. Imagine never venturing out. Your world would be very narrow. What keeps people alive when they are imprisoned and innocent is their imaginations. But of course I acknowledge your point. Do you think the world would be a better place if everyone could imagine a better world? I shall ask. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine.
This Covid thing has me in a perpetual state of worry. I have some pals I see regularly and when they don't show up I worry. Now Shuhak lives in northern California near where all those gawdawful fires kept burning and the power company kept turning his electricity off for DAYS at a time. So I knew why he wasn't there. I mean a "Hi. I'm OK" would be great. I am a worry wart. Not that I expect you to do that. In the olden days I'd just figure my pals were taking a break or on vacation or had other more pressing things to engage in doing so I didn't worry unless it was weeks. In fact Element and I have a friend we haven't heard from since June of this year. Why I don't know but well we worry why. I know it will get much worse before it gets better viruswise and so I will probably worry more too. Bummer! Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 29, 2020 2:55 PM MST
The first and most basic level of existence. Which is why I asked that very thing in another question. After you have secured that does anything come next? Thank you for your reply E.