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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some "mistakes" can be FATAL. Making a mistake about DOSAGE is one of them. Unforgivable don't you think?

Some "mistakes" can be FATAL. Making a mistake about DOSAGE is one of them. Unforgivable don't you think?

Posted - November 29, 2020


  • 10562
    Forgiveness isn't something people want to do naturally.  The natural reaction to being wronged its to seek revenge.  If vengeance isn't possible, then the next best thing is harboring a grudge.  

    Forgiving is very hard - especially if the offence is something of great severity (eg. death of  loved one).  However, forgiveness is more for the victim than the offender.  Forgiveness doesn't mean excusing or  forgetting an offence, nor is it simply "getting over it".  Nothing can undo what's been done. Yet, holding in bitterness and animosity can cause mental and/or physical problems.  Those emotions can sometimes be taken out on others -even unintentionally.     

    Forgiveness isn't something that just "happens".  It takes more than saying, "I forgive you".  It takes time... sometimes a very long time.  Time may heal all wounds, but the scars those wounds leave behind can remain for a lifetime.  It takes strength.  The natural desire for vengeance is strong.

    While, in my opinion, everyone should be willing to forgive, sometimes it just isn't possible.

      November 29, 2020 12:00 PM MST

  • 113301
    You focus on forgiveness. My point was the fatal nature of the "mistake". When a mistake THAT COULD HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED WASN'T CAUSING PEOPLE TO DIE HOW IS THAT FORGIVABLE?

    Here's the backstory. Spoke of the AstraZeneca "mistake" in dosage making its results crap. So they had to junk them and start over again. An Answermug pal chastised me for it saying that everyone makes mistakes. The mistake wasn't intentional. Of course not. That is why it is called a "mistake". I said that a mistake in dosage could be lethal and that is an unforgivable mistake. So I asked this question to see if others feel as I do. That some mistakes that can be avoided and aren't are UNFORGIVABLE. See?

    In a hospital if someone injects you with something that kills you due to ignorance or carelessness how can that be forgiven?  Or if a surgeon operates on the wrong limb or some other horrendous error how is that forgivable? Some things simply do not fit that niche. It doesn't matter that the deaths were not PREMEDITATED. What matters is that they occurred at all. Also when a drunk driver kills someone that is UNFORGIVABLE because everyone knows when you drive drunk you are not at your full capacity. So if someone dies because of that you are a murderer. It doesn't matter than it wasn't purposeful and the target wasn't intentional. What matters is that IT COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED. IT NEED NEVER HAVE HAPPENED. In my opinion Shuhak. I don't forgive. But I also move on and never exact revenge or retaliate. I simply cut that person out of my life forever. I'm not stupid enough to set myself up twice. So the point I was trying to make got lost in translation. Do you think some things are UNFORGIVABLE? Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 30, 2020 9:14 AM MST
      November 30, 2020 8:14 AM MST

  • 33856
    Nothing is unforgivable. 
    Shuhak explains it best. 
      November 30, 2020 11:22 AM MST