I was very encouraged to see that a Trump-appointed judge followed the law rather than follow the person who appointed him. Trump has been an abscess on the rump of the U.S. which will be lanced on January 20, 2021.
By which time I wonder how much irreparable damage he will have done amd where the pus will go that flows from the abscess? Thank you for your reply L and Happy Tuesday to you m'dear! :)
Thank you L. Now I'm monitoring our Governor closely. In the news this morning he is considering an entire statewide lockdown tightening the grip on the pandemic. Curfews are already in place but that doesn't affect us being mostly from 10pm to 5am. The shelter in place will mean that the only people allowed in my place are those living with me. Well it's just Jim and me that means no "visitors" from anywhere. I know folks won't honor it. They will do what they dam* well please. So I just don't know what's gonna happen. Not my favorite way to live. :)
I feel for you, but if we had the shelter in place orders from the beginning, we might be seeing the tail end of this pandemic rather than a second/third wave or more. The people complaining about it the most are the folks who refused to mask up to begin with.
You know I'm a homebody so my life really hasn't changed DRASTICALLY. Jim's has. He is doing very well under the circumstances. Since home is my favorite place it is no hardship for me at all. As long as we have electricity and can use the computer and have the TV available and our refrigerator and lights work. It just is so depressing when millions of us have done THE RIGHT THING and it wasn't enough to change the trajectory of this pandemic. We were cursed to have a duck in charge. I'm still trying to figure out the why and how of that. Thank you for your reply L! :)