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Honey Dew
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The new role of the losing opposition will be to sabotage undermine block blow up everything their hated rivals try to do. Fair?

The new role of the losing opposition will be to sabotage undermine block blow up everything their hated rivals try to do. Fair?

It is no longer enough to BLOCK everything as was done during the 8 years of President Barack Obama's tenure as American President (He is an African American which we know the opposition found offensive)..

Now the strategy is to push back trip undermine sabotage deflect drown everything and everyone and when that doesn't achieve the desired result BLOW EVERYTHING UP.

A very noble calling. Nothing more patriotic than to be loyal faithful to the loser. Screw the country. Screw the rule of law. Screw the Constitution. Screw right and wrong. Screw everything and everyone all the time for REVENGE.

Sound about right to you?

Posted - December 1, 2020
