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Discussion » Questions » Communication » Too lazy to read DEPT: So how do you give someone a gift on here? If you answer, I'll give you one. What good are they?

Too lazy to read DEPT: So how do you give someone a gift on here? If you answer, I'll give you one. What good are they?

I mean we might as well use them and  get them going if they are something we GET that I am not understanding (as usual).

Posted - October 16, 2016


  • 17261
    1. You need to be friends to give them a gift
    2. Go into the gift shop or their profile where you can choose gifts in the right column just below the avatar
    3. Pick the gift you like to give them
    4. Make sure to have the credits needed
    5. Optional you can add a text (150 characters only)
    6. Confirm buying the gift

    Purpose? Make them happy, let them know you think about them? They will mean what you add to them (via the following text).

    Have fun.
      October 16, 2016 11:16 AM MDT