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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly ever since the loser lost the prez election he has been extorting contributions from his base. So far $170 MILLION?

Allegedly ever since the loser lost the prez election he has been extorting contributions from his base. So far $170 MILLION?

See if he concede that he LOST because Joe Biden LEGALLY GOT WAY MORE VOTES he fears his base will stop sending him money. He is all about getting money from any source dumb enough to give it to him. That includes his base.

So he will keep insisting fraud occurred and he will win because he did win and he really is the president. That way his brainless base will keep fronting him more money and more money.

Let's just say he is using them for all they're worth and they no clue that's all they're good for. Well if they were smart they never would have fallen for that con artist in the first place. He knows his base. He knows what they are. He uses them.

Posted - December 2, 2020
