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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Besides saying that the election WAS NOT FRAUDULENT know what else really pisses off the duck about billybarr?

Besides saying that the election WAS NOT FRAUDULENT know what else really pisses off the duck about billybarr?

He expected billy to imprison Hillary and Joe. He did. That's what all that caterwauling hysteria was about. LOCK HER UP! That was about Hillary. Could billy have faked "evidence" and tossed her a** in jail along with the rest of her? Could billy have faked "evidence" on Joe and tossed his a** in jail? Apparently the dumb duck thinks so and that is what rankles him. He thinks roy cohn couldda done it for him.

So he is giving barr a chance for redemption. IMPRISON SOMEONE FOR GAWD'S sake on any fake "evidence" you can create! DO IT NOW.

Barr does that and he keeps his job. Otherwise?

Posted - December 3, 2020
