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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » 2800 COVID !9 deaths on Thursday in America. Didja hear the beautiful touching speech duck gave about it? Mourning all the lives lost?

2800 COVID !9 deaths on Thursday in America. Didja hear the beautiful touching speech duck gave about it? Mourning all the lives lost?

I didn't either because it didn't happen.

Duck is too involved with his fake fraud fanaticism. Does he believe it or is it just another con scam?

Who cares? He is yesterday's news. What do you use old newspapers for but to wrap up sh** and throw it in the trash can. Well?

Posted - December 4, 2020


  • 10562
    You know how a singer warms up their voice trehy run thru the scales?  Well, loser does the same thing thing.. only he only knows the note "E".  (Me, me, me, me).  Every speech he makes, every walk he takes, every law he breaks, it's all about him.... 
    I'M persecuted.  Look at all I'M doing.  I'M so great.  There has never been anyone as great as ME.  If I'M not incharge the world will come to an end.  I'M so innocent.
      December 4, 2020 12:26 PM MST

  • 113301
    Remember he PROMISED if he didn't win the stock market would TANK and everyone's 401K would be wipred out? The world as we knew would end. Yadayadayada. Etcetera and so forth. Well they are making his real rich. Last I heard $207 MILLION in pathetic poor boy contributions to fight his fake fraud election results. They don't mind being taken for a ride. He gets richer and they get happy believing they are saving him. What a con! Thank you for your reply. I wonder if all his peeps are stone cold deaf and can't hear him? Is that why they keep cheering him for saying the sameoldsameoldsameold every day for 4 years? Could be.
      December 5, 2020 5:42 AM MST