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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Today is market day. California was "locked down" at 11:59pm Sunday night. I read yesterday folks rushed out and BOUGHT! Should we have too?

Today is market day. California was "locked down" at 11:59pm Sunday night. I read yesterday folks rushed out and BOUGHT! Should we have too?

They stripped shelves bare in some areas I read. So when we go today, our "normal" shopping day, will there be anything left?

Been there before. Are we at he same there as we were before or worse? I dunno. How are things going where you live? Same, better, worse?

Posted - December 8, 2020


  • 3719
    There was a certain amount of panic-buying and shortages in the UK, in the early part of the first lock-down back in March. The shops fought back pretty quickly by rationing customers to perhaps 2 or 3 of each item. 

    This does not seem to have happened with the second we had, lasting all of November.

    We are now in a strange restriction-ranking system by relative level of hazard, called Tiers, with most of the nation in the middle, or Tier 2, at "High Risk". Generally though, people are being sensible and not stripping the shops bare; and my local town-centre seemed pretty busy yesterday.  
      December 8, 2020 3:48 PM MST

  • 113301
    Well it seemed like a "normal" shopping day. There were some items that were unavailable but there always are. i got almost everything on my list so I wonder where all those hoarders live? Thank you for your reply. Our "lockdown" will last at least three weeks. The experts tell us the months of December January and February will be horrendously grim COVID 19 case wise and death wise. Jim and I have been doing everything we were told to do when it began in early March. It's the masses of "other" who will continue to ignore it and we have no control over them. They are now and forever more "the batt-sh** crazies". They follow the batt-sh** crazy loony tune dumb cluck duck and wherever he leads them they will GLADLY go up to and including to their deaths. There is nothing we can do about "them". The US is already the butt of jokes worldwide for its stupid dumb actions and stupid dumb "leaders" and stupid dumb mindless followers. With a touch of pity I am sure but then whose fault is this? The enablers and facilitators in the House and the Senate and the apologists and the defenders of a batt-sh** crazy loony tune dumb cluck duck. So we wait.  :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 9, 2020 2:51 AM MST
      December 9, 2020 2:50 AM MST

  • 33856
    Hope you were able to get what you needed. 
    We are stocked well here. Other than toilet paper is low but not out of stock. 
      December 8, 2020 4:19 PM MST

  • 6098
    When are they going to learn?  Shortages, economic hardships, bankruptcies, and artificial restrictions on freedom are not the way. What the doctors should order is hard work, as full employment as possible, normal socialization and human activity.  All of which stimulate health, well-being, and medical innovation. Their way will only result in further suspicion, isolation, weakness, and debility.  
      December 8, 2020 7:30 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thanks m'dear. We did. There were a few things that were unavailable but that's not new and I got almost everything on my list so I just wonder WHERE all those hoarders were located? I was very pleasantly surprised. I didn't know what to expect so at least in Hemet folks are being reasonable. So far. It's just that the whole country now is in dire straits and because California has the most people we are fated to keep having the most or almost the most cases. I saw a map of the US on TV illustrating the last 4 months. The map starts off with yellows and reds...mostly yellows (low case count). With each succeeding month the map got redder and where we are now it is almost completely SOLID RED. For how long and how many will get ill and how many will have permanent damage and how many will die? I don't know but it doesn't look too good. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thee and thine. STAY SAFE m2c! :)
      December 9, 2020 2:57 AM MST