Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The entire medical community is obviously INSANE. To keep doing the same thing expecting the outcome to be different isn't sane is it?

The entire medical community is obviously INSANE. To keep doing the same thing expecting the outcome to be different isn't sane is it?

The masses of amurrican people don't give a rat's a** or a crap about staying safe. They have ignored the guidelines ON PURPOSE since the beginning and they have no intention of changing a dam* thing.

We who are concerned have done THE RIGHT THING since we learned what that was way back in March 2020.

The dumb cluck duck ilk mocked ridiculed and said it was fake. Some still do. They do not CARE what happens. They only care about doing what they want to do for however long they want to do it WHEN they want to do it and those who try to stop them can go suck rotten eggs.

Everyone should just shut up. Let the chips fall where they may. Our hospital systems are on the verge of collapse RIGHT NOW. We are told not to expect ambulances to arrive to help us. Don't bother dialing 911. No one is there to respond. We're on our own already for having IGNORED what we were told MUST BE DONE. And now we are at the edge and falling over. Save the speeches. Too late.

Posted - December 8, 2020
