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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dumb cluck moron mitch thought by stacking the deck in courts everywhere the judges would all roll over and obey. Why don't they?

The dumb cluck moron mitch thought by stacking the deck in courts everywhere the judges would all roll over and obey. Why don't they?

Because apparently they have something called INTEGRITY which moron mitch never thought would ever happen.

Similarly the batt-sh** crazy loony tune dumb cluck duck stacked the SUPREMES believing it was HIS court and it would do his bidding just as the batt-sh** crazy loony tune dumb cluck duck thinks the government belongs to him and the country and the mlitary.
All his to play with as he sees fit.

Well he ain't a batt-sh** crazy loony tune dumb cluck duck for nuthin'.

The SUPREMES slapped him down more than once. More to come.

The batt-sh** crazy loony tune dumb cluck duck cannot depend on his fake AG billybarfbarr any more. He cannot count on the supremes to roll over for him and do his bidding. He cannot count on any one or anything but his batt-sh** crazy loony tune base and they are all as IMPOTENT as he is. How sad. Too bad. Mad or glad?

More crap lawsuits to file. More to get rejected. More dumb.

Posted - December 9, 2020
