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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Lawyers can and have been fined for filing "FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS". Some have even been DISBARRED. So whassup with the dumb cluck duck lawyers?

Lawyers can and have been fined for filing "FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS". Some have even been DISBARRED. So whassup with the dumb cluck duck lawyers?

So far as I know they have filed over 50 FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS all of which have been THROWN OUT OF COURT FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE!

Why and when will all of them be disbarred?

The dumb cluck duck has already been DISBARRED. He LOST the election fair and square by about around near 7 MILLION votes. The election was FAIR and all his lies to the contrary doesn't change a dam* thing.

He whines and complains and lies and lies and lies. WHY? So his dumb cluck duck adoring worshipperes will keep sending him their money. If he admits he lost and the elction was fair all that golden goose egg money will dry up and disappear. He is above all else a money hungry hoor...nothing moor. He will continue to lie and lie ad lie so the money will continue to pour and pour and pour. He is making MORE MONEY NOW that he did during his campaign. His dumb cluck duck adoring worshippers adore a sob story and a woe is me and a poor me and they are all saps for any whinya** kvetcher complainer moaner groaner. They don't care if kids are starving all over the country. They only care about the batt-sh** crazy loony tune dumb cluck duck.

So why should he be honest and admit he LOST? Where's the money in that? SHOW HIM THE MONEY and you own him. SHOW HIM THE MONEY and he is all yours. HE WILL BEND OVER to get more money. There is no end to his lust for it. Offer him money and see what he is willing to do for it.

Posted - December 9, 2020
