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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So Ted Cruz is allegedly going to argue the case for the duck in the Supreme Court to OVERTURN the results of the election! Weird?

So Ted Cruz is allegedly going to argue the case for the duck in the Supreme Court to OVERTURN the results of the election! Weird?

Remember back in the day when the dumb cluck duck RAGGED on Ted's wife..her looks? Remember when the dumb cluck duck implied that Teddy's daddy was somehow implicated in some murder? Remember how Teddy attacked the dumb cluck duck to protect the honor of his wife and father? And now this same teddy is going to argue on behalf of the dumb cluck duck why he should be awarded the presidency despite the will of the people voting OTHERWISE by more than 7 MILLION people?

Maybe you can figure it out. I cannot. There you have it.

So the LOSER insists the election be overturned so he can retain his power to rape and pillage the country for another 4 years and keep stealing money so he can get richer and bit**er and richer and bi**cher. He keeps petitioning via bogus frivolous batt-sh** loony tune lawsuits that keep getting thrown out of the court. Over 50 so far. He doesn't care. He keeps losing and losing and losing and losing. He is an excellent LOSER since he has such a long record of LOSING. He does it so well. He gets better with each loss. He struts around and takes his victory laps over each loss. Bonehead.

Not only are Republicans not objecting to it and doing something about it but they are either SILENT (cowards always hope you don't notice them) or climbing aboard the jacka** wagon to overturn the election and invalidate 80 million votes for Joe Biden. 17 states so far? Swell as he** ain't it though? Swell as he**!

Now I ask you how reasonable is this dam* "dramdy"? Who would buy such a storyline if it were pitched to a TV station for a series? The pitcher would be laughed out of the office. LUDICROUS!

In the meantime doesn't it make you feel divine that we are the LAUGHINGSTOCK of the entire world?

The gang that couldn't shoot straight? Dumb and dumber! The 3 stooges.

Posted - December 10, 2020


  • 33856
    I just heard that....Ted Cruz will be great.  

    If the PN (Parnell) case gets to SCOTUS Cruz is slated to present it as well. 

    Only thing that would be better is of we got Trey Goudy in there too. 

    Proves that most politics is BS.
    Just as look at Harris saying after she called Biden racist and that she believes alleged Biden rape victim Tara Read..."that was just the primary."
      December 10, 2020 5:54 AM MST

  • 13277
    That assumes SCOTUS even agrees to hear the case, which is unlikely.
      December 10, 2020 7:17 AM MST

  • 10562
    A loser arguing for a loser.
      December 10, 2020 11:04 AM MST

  • 113301
    When you put it that way Shuhak I cannot disagree with thee! Perfect! Sigh. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 10, 2020 4:05 PM MST
      December 10, 2020 12:14 PM MST