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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Duck grip tightens on GOP". A lameduck without any future politically has a tighter grip on pols than ever before? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

"Duck grip tightens on GOP". A lameduck without any future politically has a tighter grip on pols than ever before? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

This is now terrifying me. Every day the batt-sh** crazy dumb cluck duck pushes harder and harder and further to overturn this election. He isn't backing down he is doubling down tentupling down and gathering together more and more petrified pols to do his bidding. He is ORDERING THEM to join him in this effort and they ARE doing so. This is more than just a sore loser refusing to admit he lost. This is a monstrous cretin having more power over those we elected to SERVE US than ever before. They are now all rolling over to SERVE HIM.

No one with the power to stop him is even trying. No one is there working on our behalf to restrict him curtail him SMACK HIM DOWN. He is relentless in his MANIACAL effort to stay president. He is not only half-cocked he is all cocked. Every day he gets worse. Every day he gets more determined. Every day every day and soon the dogs who are waiting for his signal will go out and bomb or murder.

Already there are signs of this here and there. He is the mob leader of the crazies.

So what do you plan to do about it? Go along. Duck and cover. Pretend what is happening isn't happening? Say he is just getting it out of his system? No. If he were he'd be slowing down backing off. He is doing the opposite. He is doubling down and pushing forward. Like a crazed robotic automaton.

Posted - December 10, 2020
