We know he is a LOSER. How many times does he feel obligated to keep proving it?
LOSER of the presidential election.
LOSER in all the bajillion crapadoodle lawsuits he has had his shyster "lawyers" take to court and get thrown out
LOSER when it came to forcing the election officials in each state (some of whom are Republican) to do as he demanded and refuse to validate the vote.
LOSER when it comes to his "lawyer" rudyg and his brains stephen miller and his toady sycophant entourage
LOSER when it comes to his everything anything nothing something. LOSER LOSER LOSER.
LOSER when it come to his base of crackpot weaponized robotic wackadoodlenoodle conspiracy theory domestic terrorists
LOSER when it comes to his staff and family none of whom love him enough to stop him from destroying himself
LOSER when it comes to knowing he wouldn't win so he stacked the Supremes to save his a**. And they didn't.