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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I'm not sure why but President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President elect Kamala Harris are jointly chosen for you know what?

I'm not sure why but President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President elect Kamala Harris are jointly chosen for you know what?

Personally I think it's premature. They haven't done anything yet. Perhaps it's because of the gigantic task they have chosen to take on. Perhaps it is their bravery that is being honored? Or because Kamala is the first female and the first woman of color chosen to jointly lead the country? We will find out eventually what they were able to accomplish IN SPITE OF a hostile Senate unless of course when the Georgia runoff occurs in January the Dems win. But if they face a mitch mcconnell controlled senate the row they have chosen to hoe will be UPHILL all the way. Doomed to failure? I don't know. There are EXECUTIVE ORDERS to be undertaken but I think there is a limit to that. I do not envy them the task ahead. Time will tell if the Time Magazine choice was suitable.

Posted - December 11, 2020
