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Trump's all over the news. Will he punt? Try a hail mary pass? Your guess?

"Donald Trump's flubbed supreme court bet "his" justices including Amy Coey Barrett did not do his bidding."
"US Supreme Court rejects texas election challenge. Wisconsin high court to hear his (trump) case."
"The 'trump won' farce isn't funny anymore."
"Senate passes 2021 Defense Bill with veto-proof majority defying trump's threats."
"Senate passes defense bill with veto-proof majority in rebuke to trump"

He was right when he said no one loved him.

"Trump tweets about Biden Administration, attacks Attorney General Barr."
"Trump pursues appointing Special Counsel to probe election, Hunter Biden"
"Trump criticizes Supreme Court for rejection of Texas Election lawsuit"

D'ya think if he works real hard trump can get that lost love back or is he over and done and yesterday's news?

Posted - December 12, 2020
