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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Now we have Texas and the other 17 states and the 126 House Republicans who signed on to overturn the election as joke butts. Joke butts?

Now we have Texas and the other 17 states and the 126 House Republicans who signed on to overturn the election as joke butts. Joke butts?

Yep. They will forever be the butt of jokes. Foreverly fodder for comedians and civilians to point to as being witless dopey busybox brained lemmings. Who can use a laugh? Everyone can use  laugh and now we got tons of 'em. Dopey witless busybox brained lemmings.

Choose up sides why don't you? Let's see how discerning and thoughtful you are? What you choose is what you are. Forever.

"The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it."

They are now enshrined in the trump hall of infamy as being exactly whom we knew they were. Gutless spineless busyboxbrained nothingburgers. At least they got their 15 minutes of fame. Correction. 15 minutes of  INFAMY. Then the hook came out and yanked them off the stage where they will never again perform. You bomb so big you never get another crack at it.

Posted - December 12, 2020
