Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It is a blessing that my parents who emigrated from "the old country" are not alive today to see what has become of their beloved home. You?

It is a blessing that my parents who emigrated from "the old country" are not alive today to see what has become of their beloved home. You?

Their adopted homeland is not what we have today. We have what is fast becoming WHAT THEY ESCAPED FROM.

It took 4 years for trump to make crap out of what we had enjoyed for several hundred years. 4 years. He is very talented at crap creation. That is certainly true.

I'm old enough to not care. No skin off my nose. I don't have kids to raise. Ours are grown and our grandkids are grown. They are on their own.

Stay away. Keep a low profile. Don't engage. Don't interact. Go dark. Go invisible. Watch the carnage the battle the fight the struggle. Aloof. Disinterested. Disengaged. Why should I care about what happens to you having been your fault in the first place?. Those of you who voted for the monstrous abomination who has ruined our nation. Suck it up. Frolic in it. Embrace it. Eat it up. Drink it down. Me?

No thanks. Not interested. Y'all are on your own. You brought this on yourselves so DEAL WITH IT. It's yours to do with as you wish. Support the destroyer. Who cares? It's all on you...those who voted for trump. All of it. All of it. ALL OF IT.

As for all of you others who detest and despise what trump has done I will pray for you. For those of you who don't pray and look down on those of us who do I will keep you in my thoughts and wish only good things for you.
Y'all also elected QANON conspiracy theorists. Y'all also support the proud boys and all the hate groups that trump adores so. A country of misery is not for me.. Go back. Take away women's right to vote. Reinstall SLAVERY. Put up your racist statues and racist banners. Enjoy 1820. Eat it up. Suck it up. Immerse yourselves in it. A duel at 20 paces? A slap of the face with a glove. Gaslight. Horse and buggy. Pony Express. Dine by candlelight. Minstrel shows. Magnolias. Plantations. Cotton pickers. Tobacco growers. Your old Kentucky Home. Weep no more my baby.

Mammy How I love ya how I love my dear old Mammy

Posted - December 12, 2020
