Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Could this be the reason why pandora trump is worshipped and adored by millions?

Could this be the reason why pandora trump is worshipped and adored by millions?

They have been here all along but were mocked ridiculed shunned ignored humiliated rejected denigrated. They lived in the scum and slime of the underbelly of the country. Then pandora trump showed up and pulled them up out of the scum and slime and made them his beloved base! Made them SOMEBODY. Made them a force to be reckoned with and feared. Gave them status. For that they will always be grateful to him and so their devotion and loyalty is unshakable. He legitimized them. He always sides with them and defends them no matter how evil and egregious what they do/say is. Matters not. Pandora trump is on their side. SIGH.

Posted - December 14, 2020
