Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » D'ya think pandora trump will get away with this? He is feuding with the Republican Governor of Georgia whom he blames for losing Georgia?

D'ya think pandora trump will get away with this? He is feuding with the Republican Governor of Georgia whom he blames for losing Georgia?

He forced THREE counts of the votes and each time the results showed pandora trump LOST.

Now exactly how  did the Republican Governor cause that loss? Oh. Right. He was supposed to throw out all the results and appoint electors to vote for pandora's box. The GUV refused to do that and so that is why it is all his fault.

The same is true then of all Republicans in all Red States where pandora box don LOST to Joe Biden. If they had all tossed out the votes and appointed Republican electors to vote for pandora box don well he**'s bells the pandora box don would have "won" right?

So this is the blueprint whenever you lose. Always blame someone else and stick to it. You will convince many of your righteousness. The pandora box trump convinced NO ONE to do that. His convincer must need repair.

Amazing what we learn if we just pay attention isn't it? You betchum red ryder. You betchum.

Meanwhile ya gotchure spinless whinya** girlymen Republican Senators silent. Quiet. Averting the gaze. Saying NOTHING. Hoping you will not notice them. Wanting to be invisible.

Gutless wonders who do nothing but collect paychecks. Boy next time around I want that job. Be a jacka** dumbhead and get paid for it plus plus free medical care plus all the money you can steal. Who could ask for anything more? I'll tell ya they got it made.

Posted - December 14, 2020
