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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What is the difference between "Quitting" and "Resigning"? AG billybarfbarr wrote a RESIGNATON LETTER to Bozo trump. Didja read it?

What is the difference between "Quitting" and "Resigning"? AG billybarfbarr wrote a RESIGNATON LETTER to Bozo trump. Didja read it?

Don't know if it's posted on line yet. I have not read it but I understand that it is mostly an obsequeious fawning a**kissing homage to Bozo trump.

Now I know why billbarfbarr did that. To insure that Bozo trump would quit attacking him. Will it work?

Why not? Every other a**kissing sycophant is embraced by the Bozo.

Who will hire billbarfbarr? We know he will do anything to service a madman. We also know his loyalty has a limit and at sometime when he deems it he will quit resign leave abandon the ship.

Would you hire him?  To do what?

Posted - December 15, 2020
