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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » KUDOS to the Republicans in each state who stood up to the bullies, ignored them completely and DID THE RIGHT THING! The others?

KUDOS to the Republicans in each state who stood up to the bullies, ignored them completely and DID THE RIGHT THING! The others?

Those who caved folded rolled over whimpered begged played dead? A POX ON YOUR HOUSES!

It is possible when push comes to shove the those who allowed themselves to be pushed PUSH BACK!

There are still the fringe crackpots out there plotting plotting plotting plotting. next big day is January 6.

How many bogus lawsuits have been thrown out so far? Sixty plus? How much has that cost we the people?
How many more bogus EXPENSIVE lawsuits will be fgiled until and including on January 20, 2020?

Frivolous? No. WACKADOODLENOODLE INSANE? You betcha. Frivolous is what bozo trump is all about. There is not one substantive thing about him. He is all papier mache and cotton candy and hot air. There is nothing there but "appearance". Nothing. Nothing.

Posted - December 15, 2020
