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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS win awards. Ever hear of an investigative politician? You won't. Pols COVER UP they don't dig up. Know why?

INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS win awards. Ever hear of an investigative politician? You won't. Pols COVER UP they don't dig up. Know why?

The majority of politicians have no talent or intelligence and their only goal is to MAKE MONEY ANYWAY THEY CAN. So they go into politics where they know it's who you know not what you know that matters. They spend years kissing a** and groveling and raking in the big bucks by the corruption in which they deal daily.

EVERYONE SINGLE ONE OF THEM? No. There are always exceptions.But those who ignore the CONSTITUTION and spit on it and wipe their butts with it are only in it for what they can steal. They rape the country the people 24/7 figuratively. And many of the people adore them for it. Simple heads no minds lemmings.

And so it goes.

Posted - December 16, 2020
