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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » For those of you who are technically savvy and following this "breaking news" what is the worst case scenario that Russia can do to us?

For those of you who are technically savvy and following this "breaking news" what is the worst case scenario that Russia can do to us?

The CYBER ATTACK that began anywhere from 6 to 9 months ago and ongoing as I write this. Breaking into all our "secrets" in all our top secret agencies. MASSIVELY.


Posted - December 18, 2020


  • 19938
    This news broke yesterday and I must tell you that it disturbs me more than anything else.  As bad as Covid-19 has affected us, eventually it will go away, but this incursion into our country's deepest secrets bodes ill for our survival as a nation.  Funny how we didn't have this problem until we had a president who was so chummy with Vlad.  Coincidence?
      December 18, 2020 7:35 AM MST

  • 113301
    I always thought bozo trump was Putin's "USEFUL IDIOT". His doing nothing about anything connected with Russia made the road very smooth. The GRAVE RISK applies to the nuclear weapons capabilities. For all I know they accessed drawings tests plans locations. WORST CASE is what it seems to be for its potentiality. What are they going to do to us? I heard if on Rachel Maddow's Show. Thursday night. She is always on top of everything and then the next day everyone else reports it. Oh. There are no more ICU beds in Los Angeles. They ran in Riverside County (where we live) a couple of days ago. How are you doin?
      December 18, 2020 8:22 AM MST

  • 19938
    I think he's just an idiot, but what do I know?  I am very concerned about all of this and I just read something about the Pentagon ordering a halt to Biden transition briefings.
      December 18, 2020 1:17 PM MST

  • 6023
    If true, that would be very short-sighted of them.
    I mean, he's going to be their boss in less than a month - able to fire and basically "blacklist" them.
      December 18, 2020 1:41 PM MST

  • 19938
    I seriously doubt they did it on their own.  More likely, they were directed by Trump or one of his minions.  The Pentagon issued a statement that the briefings were not cancelled; they're just being re-scheduled.  Considering the new issues about Russian hacking into just about every major department in the government and elsewhere, it would behoove the Pentagon to re-schedule those transition briefings with Biden and his teams forthwith.
      December 18, 2020 9:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    Bozo recently fired Pentagon officials and replaced them with his mystery meat bobbleheads. They are GONE when bozo leaves. OUT on their fat a**es. Joe will bring back the knowledgeable experienced patriotic folks whom bozo booted out. First day on the job I bet Joe does that. Just my thinking. Apologies for inerrupting! :)
      December 19, 2020 4:36 AM MST

  • 113301
    Yep. The bozo trump is bound and determined to make life for Joe and Kamala as hard as possible. Bozo put ignorant uneducated inexperienced lemmings at the Pentagon after having fired those who knew what the he** they were doing. ON PURPOSE. How do we know that the bozo bunch isn't feeding Joe lies? Shredding records? Covering tracks? Setting up timebombs landmines? We don't. You know L it is just that we have so many horrific things we are already dealing with I just wonder what happens if one more horrific something is uncovered? How much can we juggle without dropping all the plates that then crash and smash into smithereens? I guess we will find out. Thank you for your reply. Fingers crossed. But honestly I don't know what to wish for that would be big enough to matter! You? This post was edited by RosieG at December 19, 2020 9:09 AM MST
      December 19, 2020 3:37 AM MST

  • 19938
    I understand your fears.  I have some of the same ones.  Jo will have a massive mess to clean up when he takes office.  Hopefully, he and his administration will be up to the job.  I certainly have more faith and trust in the people he's relying on for advice than Trump.  Former security people have said on more than one occasion that our systems need updating to be more secure.  Maybe now they will be taken seriously.
      December 19, 2020 9:12 AM MST

  • 113301
    Every day bozo is ordering people to stop cooperating. Latest is the Pentagon. He has a lot more gore in store for us. A lot more hate revenge retaliation. All on them. All of it. They did nothing to stop him. Nothing. They being the Republicans in the Senate with POWER and AUTHORITY. They looked the other way. Ignored. LIED LIED LIED LIED LIED. They will roast in he** forevermore if I have anything to say about it. They are all TRAITORS and have committed TREASON! What should we do to them? Give me a minit. OK. Firing squad at dawn! Thank you for your reply L! :)
      December 19, 2020 10:59 AM MST

  • 19938
    Well, since Trump is anxious to reinstate firing squads, that would seem appropriate!
      December 19, 2020 12:33 PM MST

  • 113301
    Exactly! He has a violent streak for sure. Cruel. Heartless. I wonder whom he would have been had he not been mad/insane/crazy? Thank you for your reply L! We will never know. :)
      December 20, 2020 1:39 AM MST

  • 6023
    Anti-hacking security is simple ... just use a fully-closed system.

    I never understood why our government security/IT people don't get that.

    Maybe they do, and don't use such systems because it would require far less security/IT personnel.

      December 18, 2020 7:40 AM MST

  • 113301
    They use some system referred to as "genius" or something. Supposed to prevent hacks. So much for that. Tons of folks are involved. All of them were hacked. Seems that Solar Winds, a something or other provider to many clients was what they used to hack. Some lack somewhere. A loop or defective way and it just spread to many many many places. All their secrets are known too. I'm going to ask what Russia plans to do to us. What do you think will happen next? Thank you for your reply Walt. Update Walt. It wasn't "genius" it's "EINSTEIN". So much for that! This post was edited by RosieG at December 20, 2020 1:40 AM MST
      December 18, 2020 8:24 AM MST

  • 6023
    I can only imagine the chaos they could cause, just by releasing the names of all our "operators" in foreign lands - or even foreign nationals who are informants.
      December 18, 2020 8:56 AM MST

  • 113301
    Lordy lordy mimic Jim Comey...Lordy lordy lordy. You know what Walt? This is the straw. Too much too much too much to absorb. I'm not up to it. I don't know how to process it. It's like a tsunami hit and I'm not a strong swimmer plus which there is so much debris out there some of it will surely kill me. Dramatic? Maybe but I'm seriously stymied. How do I react? What is "reasonable"? What say you? Thank you for your reply.
      December 19, 2020 6:36 AM MST

  • 3719
    It's a serious matter for everyone, not only in the USA.

    Who knows what American military, diplomatic or commercial matters involving other countries, such as details of operating alliances, are at risk of being stolen or damaged by such attacks?

     A couple of years or so ago, the US authorities were desperate to extradite to the USA an English youth who'd managed to break into US Government systems. He was said to be autistic, and as far as anyone could determine he'd not planned to bring the USA down, but I think the White House and Pentagon wanted to make an example of him. I cannot remember if the request was granted or not.

    Now, surely he ought have been congratulated for showing the system was fundamentally insecure, and how and where it was, if an amateur could enter it from his bedroom in a foreign country. This latest attack looks far too sophisticated and professional for it to have been by anyone like him, though.

    More importantly, steps should have been taken to ensure the weaknesses were addressed, including using dedicated rather than public networks. Were they? 

    The USA is not the only victim of such attacks though this latest seems the worst yet. One recent hack aimed at the UK appeared to have been an attempt to investigate Covid vaccine development and distribution plans. I think the Swedish health system was another victim a year or so ago. I have sometimes wondered how many of the attacks are effectively "weapons tests" and probes of defences to show the hackers how a particular State's official systems can be compromised. I am sure if they wanted to stop the system completely, they could and would. 
      December 18, 2020 6:08 PM MST

  • 113301
    So is that the logical next step then? Implementation of worst case? Every day a new nightmare shows up. Some we should have been able to anticipate and preventive..some impossible to envision. Every which way we turn we are getting the crap smacked out of us. How much more black and blue can we take? I guess we shall find that out. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply Durdle! :) Now what?
      December 19, 2020 6:39 AM MST