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Do you think we'd all be better off if we looked up more? Figuratively and literally? Why?

Posted - December 19, 2020


  • 10572
    We'd all be better off if we looked out more.  Figuratively AND literally.

    More and more, people are surrounding themselves with mirrors.  Their main focus is, me, myself and I.  Other people are either tools to be used or obstacles blocking their mirrors.  They aren't simply the center of the universe, they ARE the universe.  If one is the universe, what reason would they have to look up (as to a high power)?  To them they are the highest power.  Everything there is is right there in their mirrors.  Terms like, love, compassion, and caring apply only to themselves.  So they spend all their lives looking in their mirrors, preening themselves.  {mind picture - everyone running around with their nose glued to their phones or taking selfies.}  
    This is why the world's in the mess it's in today.  People are so busy looking "in" that they can't see where they're going.  So they tumble headlong over every precipice they come to (the current virus is a prime example of a precipice).  

    Simply looking up (figuratively and literally) won't solve the problem.  Looking up (figuratively) will help, but we must also look out(ward).  We must break the mirrors we surround ourselves with.  We must look both up and out(ward).  
      December 19, 2020 11:31 AM MST

  • 113301
    I must of needs disagree with thee m'dear. It is not that individuals are surrounding themselves with mirrors. It is rather that they fear solitude and cleave unto whatever will have them. In return for which they become clones and share the groupthink babble of LIES as the only truth there is. They grope one another and hug one another and cling to one another and whatever the group think thinks is what they think and do. OR ELSE they are shunned booted out and left alone on their own which they cannot tolerate. They are far too afraid so they will do and say whatever it takes to be part of the group. You know that's true. Don't you? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 19, 2020 11:56 AM MST
      December 19, 2020 11:55 AM MST

  • 10572
    I think the reason there is so much loneliness, depression, anxiety and such is because people are too focused on themselves (the mirror metaphor).  Our society pushes self above all else (you do... you be... you deserve...).   Looks and wealth are portrayed to be the center of existence.  Yet putting things ahead of others makes one lonely.  Things can't satisfy that deep seeded longing we all have (to be loved, to belong).  When people look out(ward) (caring for others) they get a feeling of satisfaction. If we're constantly looking in our mirrors, we begin to see our imperfections.  But if we look out(ward) we see that although we're all unique, we're also all alike - rich or poor, male or female, black or white.  We all have imperfections, we all have our good days and bad days, we all have fears, and worries, and happy times.  Breaking the mirrors doesn't mean we have to focus our entire lives of others, rather to have a balance.  (love your neighbor as yourself)
      December 19, 2020 12:37 PM MST

  • 113301
    The converse could be equally true. Fear of the mirror. Fear of facing whom we are so we avoid it entirely and focus on the "savior" the "beloved" the "master" who will save them. I think they do not look they do not think they only feel. And what they feel is terror so they cling together these birds of a feather and absorb embrace the bullsh** the abomination spews forth. If they ever were capable of serious thinking they could not possibly have supported the bozo. Lack of introspection. Lack of curiosity. Never once testing the validity of their "beliefs" like sheep they baa baa baa and follow the shepherd who leads them into temptation and delivers them to evil. Just my take on it. I think we (our ilk) think all the time about everything non-stop. They dare not think at all. They must just obey. So they do. A vast resource squandered willingly. Sad. Could be both of us are correct. Who knows? Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Sunday! :)
      December 20, 2020 1:34 AM MST