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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It will be a great day when we get rid of all of the bozo trump boboheads. But mayhap the damage will have been done. Why did bozo do this?

It will be a great day when we get rid of all of the bozo trump boboheads. But mayhap the damage will have been done. Why did bozo do this?

He fired knowledgeable Pentagon  educated experienced dedicated patriotic people and replaced them with his a**kissing adoring worshippers. NONE OF WHOM know the difference between their a**es and a hole in the ground.

He fired all the experienced educated professional dedicated patriotic INTELLIGENCE  experts and replaced them with third-rate idiots just like himself. Right now the gubment bugment is a Mack Sennett comedy. Silent. But hysterically funny. Slipping on banana peels funny. Hitting one another over the head with stalks of celery funny.

Sigh. Why oh LORD why? What did we do to deserve such a bozo bobohead with unlimited power? Can we ever be let it on  it? Black comedy to test us to see what we are made of?

Will we survive it?

Posted - December 19, 2020
