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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The last 4 years we have led blighted lives. Dam*ed I think to be what it is. Can we take on anything more?

The last 4 years we have led blighted lives. Dam*ed I think to be what it is. Can we take on anything more?

Electing bozo trump who has done nothing for the country or the people. Everything for himself and his pals.

The COVID 19 pandemic hit and bozo ignored it and still to this day makes light of it. As we get ill and die

The sabotage and treason bozo and his ilk committed by trying to overturn an election and nullify the will of the people.

The massive cyberattack on our country which has infiltrated every single department and has been ongoing for many months undetected. RUSSIA of course is the crumbumb evildoer. The bozo bonehead says nothing does nothing but hides in the bowels of the white house consumed by his being rejected by the MAJORITY of the American people. It's all he can think of...himself he him. 

BUT...and it is a very big butt BUT. He is also getting richer off the adoring worshippers who keep funding his gorveling and begging for money. More money. Their money. And they keep complying. So far $250 million of their dollars he is richer by. They keep sending him money. He keeps begging for money.

Posted - December 19, 2020
