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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you the kind of person others are interested in knowing? Do you draw people to you or do they pass you by and write you off?

Are you the kind of person others are interested in knowing? Do you draw people to you or do they pass you by and write you off?

The internet is a one-trick pony. All we have to go on? WORDS. The words we choose to use. That's it! Appearance doesn't matter. Or age. Or wealth. All of that is irrelevant.

The only connection we can ever have with one another is how we express ourselves. What we think. How we think. And how we relate to one another on just that one level.

Are you a wordsmith? Are you very good at expressing yourself? Are you always honest? Always try to be kind?

It's like taking a test drive. You do that before you buy a car. Well we test drive here before we decide our time is well spent or wasted.

Do you usually recognize at first meeting whether or not there will be more? Or does it sometimes take awhile?

Are you more often RIGHT about folks at first encounter or do you get it wrong and have to rethink what you think?

Oh. And of course apart from the words? ARE THEY HONEST TRUTHFUL or just a bag of lies? That is always the hard part to figger out. Someimtes you never know you've been engaging with a con a scammer a liar. More's the pity.

Posted - December 19, 2020
