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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Another hugely humongous gawdawful UNFAIR. Life is wasted on millions of people who don't value appreciate or honor it. WHY?

Another hugely humongous gawdawful UNFAIR. Life is wasted on millions of people who don't value appreciate or honor it. WHY?

The millions who die who do appreciate it? Why? Let those who are wanton promiscuous hoors and think nothing of life be the ones who die. What value are they to anyone? Taking up space and the place of others?

Ironic and awful and evil.

In my opinion.

All the unmasked who ridicule mock denigrate those of us who value life should be poxed. Get a taste of what they so stupidly undervalue. A dose of dying. See how they like that?


If I designed the world that's what I'd do. Take out the ingrates. Make room for the valuers.

Posted - December 23, 2020
