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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A mugger mentions "no man is an island". It comes from John Donne's MEDITATION XV!! Devotions Upon emergent Occasions." Are you know it?

A mugger mentions "no man is an island". It comes from John Donne's MEDITATION XV!! Devotions Upon emergent Occasions." Are you know it?

Among the memorable lines

"Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind
Every man is piece of the continent, a part of the main.

If a clod's washed away by the sea Europe is the less as if a promontory were

Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

Are you a fan or do you believe the opposite? We on our own alone apart removed aloof detached. Whatever happens to others is no skin off your nose. That is THEIR problem not yours? The mantra for millions.

Populists, nationalists, isolationists are anti that.

Some people don't give a rat's a** about the situation of others. As long as they get theirs they're good.

Different strokes. The selfless and the selfish exist side by side and never the twain shall meet in this life or the next or whatever comes after.

Posted - December 23, 2020
