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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you heed warnings or ignore them? Do you drink from a bottle marked with a skeleton and bones and an X? Reading POISON? WHY?

Do you heed warnings or ignore them? Do you drink from a bottle marked with a skeleton and bones and an X? Reading POISON? WHY?

Do you stop at stop signs or speed up right through them?

In a 25 mile an hour school zone do you rev up to 80 miles an hour?

Do you ignore the WET PAINT sign and just sit down?

The sign that says "bridge washed out ahead. Take alternate route" matters not one whit to you. You speed up and go right through the barricade and crash to your doom because you chose to ignore the warning. Because you know better. You always know better. No one ever outknows you.

How smart y'all are to know better.

Good for you. Warnings are not meant for the likes of you. Warnings are meant for the likes of me and my ilk.

Different strokes.

Posted - December 23, 2020
