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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » One of the "pardoned" was Jared Kushners disgusting daddy dearest. Know what crime disgusting daddy did?

One of the "pardoned" was Jared Kushners disgusting daddy dearest. Know what crime disgusting daddy did?

Per Chris Cristy who prosecuted the sleazeball disgusting bum

Jared's daddy hired a prostitute to "hook up" with his brother in law, take pictures and then show them to his sister to intimidate her so she would not testify to whatever the hell sleazeball crepoid Jared disgusting daddy dearest feared.

What would you do? Pardon him because bozohead done done much worse? One example.

That's why Jared got rid of Chris Christie during the early days of the bozohead reign of terror. Payback for prosecuting disgusting sleazeball jared's dearest daddy.

They all deserve one another. I don't know who among them is more disguting. The bozohead melania jared ivanka donjohnjr eric their wives or sex partners/mistresses. Birds of a feather have sex together and multiply and breed idiots. They ya go. There ya have it..

Posted - December 24, 2020
