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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A Boston cancer specialist with a severe allergic reaction to shellfish had a severe allergic reaction to the Moderna vaccine. KNOW WHY?

A Boston cancer specialist with a severe allergic reaction to shellfish had a severe allergic reaction to the Moderna vaccine. KNOW WHY?

Because how ever many thousands participated in the testing of the vaccine when it was found to be SAFE did NOT INCLUDE anyone allergic to shellfish. Or peanut butter? Or tree nuts?

How can you say a vaccine is safe if you haven't tested it on a wide variety of test subjects? Shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts allergies are not rare and they can be DEADLY. Meaning you can DIE from it.

So what vaccine will be tried next and wanting? Both PFIZER and MODERNA got SEVERE allergic reactions.

Tsk ts tsk. What kind of cockamamie ignoramuses thought to exclude those folks from the testing? Tsk.

Posted - December 26, 2020
