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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » During the Civil War pro union folks viewed the rebels as TRAITORS. We still do. So what does this have to do with anything?

During the Civil War pro union folks viewed the rebels as TRAITORS. We still do. So what does this have to do with anything?

Certain military bases carry the names of those traitors and so there is a plan to rename them but some don't wish to change the names. They view those rebels as heroes and admire them respect them and adore them.

They are still traitors but well you see some folks think we the union folk are the traitors.

So never the twain will meet or agree. Yes they think we are the traitors for thinking slavery was DISGUSTING INHUMAN AND EVIL. They miss those days very bigly. It represented them and their ideas and their views and their beliefs. None of which have chagned since then. They still cling tightly to them and dream of those "good old days".

Thus we are at what is called loggerheads. A dispute/difference of opinion. A loggerhead is also a thickheaded or stupid person. Blockhead.

Whatcha think? Rename or keep the same? Keep alive the tradition and don't erase history or clean house and get rid of all the spiders and cobwebs and things that go BUMP in the night?

Posted - December 26, 2020
