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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Our ability to "ride it out" and remain relatively calm is a great character indicator. Behind the wheel who are you? Whom do you become?

Our ability to "ride it out" and remain relatively calm is a great character indicator. Behind the wheel who are you? Whom do you become?

Do you get irate and swear and honk and get exasperated or do you just try to sit back, relax and go with whatever flow is indicated? Back awhile California had freeway ragers who'd shoot at someone who maybe inadvertently cut him off. Some would follow certain people off the freeways and force a stop and start a fight. That was BDJT. Before donald john trump. When life was not as fraught with peril terror and cataclysmic daily events.

What happens now? More road rage more fights more shooting? The circumstances in life today are truly unbearable. how do the quick triggers, the loose cannons, the easily infuriated get through it today?

Posted - December 27, 2020
